Guide to Colorful Holi festival in India


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Image Source : Wikimedia Commons

What is Holi festival

Holi festival in India, is very ancient, ritual as well as colorful and very favorite to everyone in India rather across the world where Indian origin irrespective of caste, creed are staying. I, personally feel very exciting to describe Holi festival.  It is my childhood when I enjoyed “NERAPORA” in the evening of the previous day of Holi. Now -a -days, not only now-a-days from the ancient time people used to gathera pile of wood and other combustible material for making a bush and they used to keep effigy on the top of that bush for lighting.This effigy was very symbolic.  I listened from my Grandmother that in ancient time there was a King named Hiranyakashyapu, who had a desire to be immortal. To fulfill his desire, he started meditation (tapasya) for getting boon of immortality from God. Lastly he received boon of immortality from God Brahma but there were five conditions – he would be killed neither  by human being nor by animal, neither in the day nor in the night, neither in the house nor in the outside, neither on land nor in water and lastly not any weapons.After  getting that boon he felt himself as unconquerable and declared that only he will be worshiped as God. Those who will disobey this order will be punished.  His son Prahlad did not obey his father’s order.  Then King Hiranyakashyapu took help of his sister Holika to kill Prahlad.  Holika had a special shawl which will save her from fire . She covered herself with that shawl and sat on the fire taking Prahladon her lap. But ultimately came out from the fire and Holika burnt. This Holika is the symbol of effigy which means victory of good and destroy of evil.

There are other cultural significance of Holi Festival. It is a festive day when people greets everybody exchanging sweet, hug each other forgetting all past errors.

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When celebrate holi festival in India

Holi is celebrated at the end of winter season and in the full moon day in the month of Phalgoon (Feb-Mar).

Holi Festival in Uttarpradesh

Uttarpradesh,  Mathura where Holi is being played in a different way. Here in front of Radharani temple women beat up men with stick. In Mathura this is called as Lath Mari Holi. In Mathura, where Lord Krishna born, people celebrate Holi with special Puja of Lord Krishna. People of Mathura continue Holi for sixteen days.

Holi Festival in Bihar

Holi is known as Phaguwa in Bihar.  Here also in the eve of the Holi people burn replica of Holika.  Next day people enjoy Holi with colouredwater and lot of cheers. In the evening, they enjoy Holimilan observing well wishes of each other and visit each other families.

Holi Festival in Bengal

In Bengal,People observed Holi as Doljatra or, Dolpurnima.  In Bengal, people worship the idol or Radha and Krishna. Devotee’s singwith the instrument of Dhol and Kartal in front of Radha and Krishna idol. Devotees offer Bhog to Radha and Krishna with different type of sweets.

In Bengal , public conveyance do not ply till noon in the city so  in the day people play with coloured water in front of their house, roads , they fill balloon and Pichkerywith coloured water and throw it to each other. In the evening friends, family members and neighbour meet each other and exchange sweets.

Holi Festival in Assam

In Assam, people celebrate Holi with coloured powder (Abir), They also perform puja of Lord Krishna offering bhog with different sweets. Here also in the eve of Holi people burn an effigy as the replica of Holika with a concept of all-evil will go.

Holi Festival in Delhi

 In Delhi, being the capital of India, people celebrates Holi with very enthusiasticly. Here also in the eve of Holi, they observe Holika with an idea that all evil will go. People of Delhi play with colour till they become unrecognizable.

Holi festival has a very good and big social impact. At the end of the day all people, irrespective of cast, creed meet each other forgetting their selfishness, quarrel, fighting. Enemies become friends. People exchange their greetings with each other. In the evening people visit friends, relatives strengthening their emotional bond with each other. In this way, Holi is observed in India.



  1. Hi Srimanta,

    That was a wonderful post about Holi 🙂

    Yes, this wonderful festival of colors is celebrated all through the country, though every place has it’s own particular way. I wish though that people would turn to dry colors and use less of water colors – keeping it clean and saving water and the environment too.

    Thanks for sharing. Happy Holi 🙂

    • Happy Holi Harleena Singh,

      Welcome to my blog! Yes, Holi is one of the most significant festival of India. Everyone, Specially little children enjoyed on it with utmost happiness and excitement. They smear each-others with dry coloredpowder and coloreddwater. But everyone should pay attention to keep eyes safe.

  2. Holi is one of my best festivals. Lots of fun to be had. Lots of food and lots of singing. I do no like the wet colours that much.


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