10 Safety tips for women traveling in India

A land of dazzling colors, textures, textiles and patterns, India is exciting to explore. But is it equally safe for men and women? Though the recent incidents point to the lack of security for women in India, this is far from the complete picture. Just like most other countries, not all places in India are equally safe. But the government is doing different things to improve safety standards for women. The National Safety Council is an autonomous government body, which publishes Safety Calendars on very basic safety measures. Delhi has launched a women’s safety helpline, 181. Take a look at these 10 safety tips for women traveling in India:

Safety tips for women traveling in India

1. Stay in a reputed hotel

India has hotels of different grades, and the more reputed a hotel you stay in (ones marked with three or four stars) you can usually expect more safety precautions and security regulations, generally. If you are looking for extra security on Indian holidays, spend a little more and stay in a hotel that has a few extra options like a corridor or floor exclusively for women. Research options online or talk to those who have been in India, to get ideas about hotels.

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2. Maintain privacy

India is a country where people love chatting each other up. You sometimes find perfect strangers falling into easy conversations on trains, for example. While it’s fine to keep the conversation going with people you meet, keep your private information private as far as you can. While your co-passengers may be friendly and helpful, it is not a good idea to reveal too much information about your whereabouts or about who you are. Even in hotels, maintain privacy while talking to attendants.

3. Stay on the radar

It is a good idea to have someone you know, in India, be it a family or friends, that you can fall back upon in case of an emergency. Keep your cellphone number or important details, like hotel information, with this group or person you can trust.

4. Defense tactics

Having a few self-defense techniques handy is a great resource on the road. You can stay armed with a pepper spray or hairpin, to feel more confident just in case. But the best self defense is the kind where you can use your body as a weapon. Many self-defense training styles like Karate, taekwondo and judo emphasize ways in which you can resourcefully use your limbs, the thrust of your body, etc. to intimidate an opponent. You can also take a quick course in Krav maga (is a self-defense system), a tactic used in Israeli defense training.

safety tips for women travelling alone

5. Safety in taxis

Try as far as possible to opt for prepaid taxis, which are available outside the airport, outside major railway stations and so on. Many big cities have private taxi operators like EasyCabs, CoolCabs and MeruCabs. Safety and accountability make these taxis very popular.

6. Women’s only compartments in local trains

If you are traveling short distance in local trains, you can get on the women’s only coach. On the railway platform there will usually be a sign board or some indicator to tell you where to stand to get on the women’s only coach.

7. Remain flexible about hours to keep

In small towns or villages of India, people often sleep early and rise early, which means you are likelier to find streets becoming quieter at night. It is a good idea to follow the local customs, and not stay out late nights in these places. Sometimes security patrolling is not too evident, so looking after yourself is a smarter idea.

8. Clothing norms

If you go to hinterland areas, it is a good idea to dress a bit modestly and not wear dresses that are too revealing.

9. Sunbathing norms

The tropical sun in India makes sunbathing a tempting option, but make sure it’s safe before you get topless at beaches. In some beaches of Goa, sunbathing topless is acceptable and safe. Private beaches at big hotels too are fine, still make your enquiries before you do so.

10. Drink with people you know

Reserve your drinking or night-outs for friends or people you know. It may not be too safe to drink in the company of strangers. Do not take lifts from people you don’t know.

Hope, these 10 safety tips to traveling in India will helps you lots. While these are self-protection measures, keep an eye out for government news and updates too. Many states are introducing helplines and other safety measures for women, so take advantage of all these safety tips and plan a trip to traveling in India.


  1. Yes, Drink with those whom you know. If you take care of some safety tips and you will enjoy your travel, don’t matter what is the country.

  2. Hi Anupriya,

    Those were nice tips indeed 🙂

    Yes, safety issue is a major issue of concern, especially for women travelers coming to India. If they can do all that you said, it would make sure they remain safe all through. I think clothes play a major role, especially for foreign travelers, so that should be taken care of the foremost.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

    BTW – The commentluv plugin isn’t working here.

    • Thank you Harleena for your comment. 🙂
      Yes, I appreciated with your view that Dresses or Clothes are also have major role to be safe. Thank you for sharing your view.

      Commentluv Plugin problem? Checked and Fixed. Its Ok 🙂

  3. Hi Anupriya,
    Though, India is a very beautiful destination to explore, but safety is really a major issue to be concern over here. You have shared very meaningful points. Thanks for the sharing.

  4. This is one post I never thought will becoming from an Indian. It is just an interesting way of portraying the beautiful people of India as bad.

    • Hi Emmanuel,

      Thanks to share your thought. India is the one of the most beautiful country, I can say it proudly. I am not portraying as bad. Every traveler specially for solo women traveler should keep attention on their safety. Its not only while travelling in India but also for the other country.

  5. Great tips. India can be rough some times for women travelling alone. These tips are great tips for those wishing to travel alone in India.

  6. Great Post – I wish I had read something like this before my trip to India. I loved India but have to admit I found traveling there as a foreign woman difficult at first – it’s useful to have this kind of infomation to prepare yourself before visiting India and make sure to fit in with local customs to ensure it is a safe visit.

  7. Wow!!! Great tips Anupriya… Really appreciable…
    Thanks for sharing these useful tips.. Travelling is really very typical for the girls in India. And a superlike for your 7th tip… 🙂
    Please keep sharing such ideas.

  8. Great Share…

    I liked the way you have narrated about India and its beautiful culture… Apart from that the way you have mentioned the tips are very much required to be spread out between the females and even to those who are unable to protect themselves.

    These tips for share are a great help and moral booster for every female, all around the world…

    Thanks for sharing this post with us.

  9. Very well written article and i think this is the most useful article for the women. Great one, would love to see more content on this blog.

  10. Traveling in India is very difficult. Woman travelling is very stressful and It is very difficult for women to travel in India. I search on google how to easy tips for travel in India and i got your blog. I read your blog and i got the valuable tips for woman travelling in India. Thanks a lot for this beauty Enjoying article with me. I appreciate it very much!

  11. Great article that mentions the safety tips for women travelling. Whether in India or abroad, women safety should be taken seriously. Thanks for mentioning the above self-protection measures.

  12. It is an exceptionally instructive post for me. I’ve delighted in perusing the blog. It is exceptionally steady and helpful information about the safety tips for women travelling. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Home does not at times feel safe, and so it is very important to stay alert while on tour. I make sure to carry a Pepper spray on my travels. I simply loved coming across your article.

  14. Great Article!! Your article is really helpful for traveling and I am glad to read this great article! Thanks for sharing such a helpful article.

  15. Great Post. This Post is really helpful for travel india. I got too much information about this. thanks for sharing such a helpful post. Keep Posting.

  16. Great Post! This Post is very informative & helpful for trip to India. I got too much information about it & I will go to rann utsav of kutch in my holidays. Thanks for sharing such a amazing post.


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