How to plan a weekend trip on a budget

Looking to recharge your batteries at a weekend get away without spending a bomb? These days, the stormy economy makes it necessary for anyone to plan ahead when they travel. And truly, with some preparation, you can enjoy a refreshing budget travelĀ and make the most of it. Check out these ideas for budget weekend travel.


Plan your budget

Flesh out each part of your budget travel with provision for later adjustment, and use a travel planner if that helps. During your tour, keep tabs on the individual expenses so as not to overshoot the budget. Keep some breathing space though, for emergencies or sudden changes in plans ā€“ you do not want to get choked within a very tight budget.

Research the place you want to travel

If you are going to a place on your own, you can simply travel as your fancy takes you. But when you go with a group, be it friends or family, you need to find a destination that everyone can enjoy. In many large cities park and gardens are free of entry, or there are special ticket prices for kids. If you are extremely cash-strapped yet want a fun vacation, look out for these places. Zoos, gardens, public entertainment spots with opportunities to enjoy free music, are all great ideas.

Find out about local travel options

Research local travel information to know the most economic ones. Use public transport as far as possible when you are in cities. In many large cities, hop-on and hop-off bus rides give opportunities for flexi-travelling, a great way to budget travel. If you are going out to the countryside, you can also bring your bike along and have an eco-friendly weekend vacation.

Stay close to major sightseeing spots

For budget travelers staying in hotels, it is a good idea to choose a hotel hat is close to major places you want to tour. This saves lot on costs in traveling back and forth. Besides, these places are likely to have a wide range of hotels, giving you more choices. Even if you do not like one hotel, you can easily shift to another close by, without losing time or searching too much.

Have one place as the base

Many budget travelers make the mistake of rushing around, trying to see it all and squeezing as much as they can, into one long weekend. If you are going to places far-flung from each other, you are likely to spend a lot of time commuting and spend little time at the place. Be realistic, have one place as the base, and do your sightseeing around your base location. You end up soaking up more of the place without making it too hectic or tiring. What is the point of weekend travel unless you come back, refreshed?

Make your food arrangements

Often a large part of the budget in a touristy place gets blown up on food. If you can take the trouble to buy your own provisions and cook up your meals, you can save a great deal and know what you are eating as well! While researching the destination, see if there are fresh produce markets or places for shopping for essentials, nearby. You can also carry some dry foods as snacks, to save costs in buying food at the places you go to.

Look for alternative accommodation

During off-season hotels may have lower rates,but evenĀ  then, they may still exceed your budget. Think of fun, alternative accommodation options, such as bed and breakfast places, friendly inns etc. that are economic yet safe. You can also go camping, making for memorable family vacations.

Look out for discounts on transportation tickets

Many organized bus tour companies offer budget deals. You can find out about these offers via websites, or by checking your phone directory and calling up these companies direct. Ask about special offers or any seasonal discount scheme they may have, to avail of cheap tickets.

Check out combo offers

Many travel and tourism sites have combo packages that includehotel stay, car packages and sightseeing. If you just go for each of these on its own, you may end up spending much more. Taking advantage of solid combo offers may be a good idea. Use websites that offer ways to compare deals, and take advantage of combo offers.


  1. Great post Srimanta
    Will surely remember the points while travelling in India with a tight budget. Great One!!!!!!

  2. All these are really important tips and much hassles can be avoided if we check them before any trip…

  3. You have posted a lot of good, sometimes it is not easy to trip to the weekend, but the budget problem of the journey comes in the trip. That is why we can not join the trip, or we have to skip the trip. You have said that if you plan the trip with enough information, then it will be perfect for us. You have given good advice. Thanks for such post and please keep it up.


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